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About us

So many times I should have lost my life but God had other plans for me. He spared my flesh because he knew I would come home as the prodigal son did, and come home I have!


I rededicated my life to the lord again with a fire like never before. I'm now more devoted then ever.


After extensive research about our culture, the occult, and the tricks of the enemy, it was brought to my attention that many occult symbolism's and satanic signs are plastered on our clothing. Hidden in plain site these symbols are not easily recognizable as satanic or having ties with the occult. Signs like the peace symbol who's origin has nothing to do with peace.


These types of things enraged me and started a fire in me that made me want to represent Christ with fashion my way. And so 838 Apparel was born.


The name 838 Apparel was chosen based on the principles of Mark 8:38. We are not ashamed of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We show this truth by creating trendy Christian apparel in hopes to spark a conversation, and create an opportunity to evangelize.

In this sinful and adulterous generation people need Jesus more than ever! With a tee shirt being read an average of 3000 times in it's life span, what and awesome way to share the gospel, to strike up conversations, and witness to someone.

The devil is making his statement across the world. What will your statement be?

LIve Unashamed!!!

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